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  • What is added sugar?
    Added sugars are sugars that are added during the processing of foods, during preparation, or at the table. For example, sucrose or dextrose added during food processing is an added sugar, as is honey used to sweeten tea at your kitchen table. Fortunately, “added sugars” are listed separately on Nutrition Facts panels underneath the line for “total sugars,” making it easier to determine whether or not your food contains any added sugars.
  • What is considered a high-sugar food?
    Foods that contain close to, or more than the recommended amounts, may be considered high in sugar. Men should consume no more than 9 teaspoons (36 grams or 150 calories) of added sugar per day. Women should consume no more than 6 teaspoons (25 grams or 150 calories). Foods high in sugar include: sweets, including candy, pie, cakes, and cookies dairy desserts like ice cream and milkshakes soda fruit juice sports drinksTrusted Source low fat yogurtTrusted Source condiments like ketchupTrusted Source, honey mustard, and bbq sauce many common breakfast cerealsTrusted Source While some foods high in sugar may be obvious, many foods are surprisingly high in sugar.
  • Comparison of sugar and rice
    How many teaspoons of sugar are in a bowl of rice? All of these carbohydrates are broken down into sugar and end up in your blood after eating rice. A serving of rice providing 90 grams of carbohydrates will break down to about the same amount of sugar found in 22 teaspoons of sugar. This will significantly increase your blood sugar levels as you are getting the same amount of calories.
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